| | The Intake Your Source for Collaborative News January 2021 | | | | | | | *NEW* Annual Accomplishments 2020 - Share, Share, Share! Collaborative partners have created these striking visuals for you to share our accomplishments via social media regarding conservation easements within drinking water protection areas in 2020. The numbers speak for themselves - 6 conservation easements; 1,100 acres of protected lands; and ultimately the protection of drinking water for over 37,500 panhandle residents. Please help spread the message! | | | | Sharing is as easy as 1-2-3! - Select a visual to share. All of the visuals are stored in Google Drive. You can share the full version (shown here) or a shortened version that might look best on social media. We developed graphics that include stats for all of Berkeley & Jefferson Counties, as well as breakdowns for the multiple projects and partners within the Collaborative. Options abound!
- Put a few words with it (or use/modify any of the sample social media posts we've started for you). Keep it simple:
- Protecting 🌲 = Protecting 💧💧💧
- 6 voluntary conservation easements = protected drinking water for 37,500 people 🎉🎉🎉
- Looking for some good news? Last year, landowners in Jefferson and Berkeley Counties protected over 1,100 acres of land within drinking water protection areas, including 500 acres of karst topography. Learn more at safewatercollaborative.org
3. Share, share, share! | | | | We sincerely appreciate Mark Schiavone, Liz Wheeler, and Adam Webster for assisting with collecting the data, and to everyone on the Education & Outreach Workgroup and additional partners that helped develop the infographic content & design. | | | Strategic Plan Update Our strategic planning process is nearly halfway through, and so far, progress has been nothing short of superb! A few key updates: - Completed - the partnership's big-picture, long-term Goals have been established
- Nearly completed - the workgroup-specific Objectives and Steering Committee Roles. Based on your feedback, an update will be provided at our full-partnership Gathering on Wednesday, January 20, with the Steering Committee slated to cast their final approval before the end of January.
- Up next - Workgroups will meet in February-March to develop Strategies for achieving their Objectives. In that same timeframe, Steering Committee will develop their Responsibilities for supporting the Workgroups and fulfilling their Roles. We'll have another full-partnership Gathering in April, after which the Steering Committee is slated to approve Strategies & Responsibilities by May 1.
- Final steps - Cadmus Group will provide a draft strategic plan for all partners to comment on in May, with the final strategic plan approved by the Steering Committee in June.
For your convenience, we've included that information in the Gantt chart below. Keep up the great work - this plan is shaping up to be a very meaningful document, and process, for our partnership! | | | | | | Postcard Campaign The fourth, and final, postcard in our outreach campaign featuring landowners with conservation easements was sent to 750+ landowners in Jefferson & Berkeley Counties. This postcard featured Tom Gleason in the Back Creek Watershed of Jefferson County. The Education & Outreach Workgroup, and additional interested partners, met on January 8th to evaluate the success of this campaign (more details in "What's Happening" section). At least one landowner has already applied to Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board. | | | | | Around the Collaborative If you have exciting news, please let us know and we'll share with our partners in next month's edition. | | | | | | The Eastern Panhandle Conservation District will be accepting applications for the Agricultural Enhancement and Chesapeake Bay Program through February 1st. Conservation practices eligible through this funding include livestock exclusion to protect streams; agricultural livestock roof runoff management; heavy use protection areas; and more. Read the full announcement here. Applicants are encouraged to contact Barbie Elliott with the WV Conservation Agency for more information. | | | | Potomac Conservancy is seeking re-accreditation with the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Collaborative partners are encouraged to provide input regarding Potomac Conservancy's adherence to national quality standards during the public comment period that runs through March 20, 2021. Submit a comment online or via email at info@landtrustaccreditation.org. Comments can also be mailed to 36 Phila Street, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Emily Warner is the Senior Director of Land Conservation with Potomac Conservancy. | | | | The Harpers Ferry Water Works system is expected to have a complete remodel over the next two years, resulting in 20,000 feet of new pipeline for residents’ homes and businesses, upgraded water and filtration systems, and updated infrastructure. The $6.3 million project is expected to begin this spring. Full story here (subscription required) Barbara Humes is a council liaison for the Harpers Ferry Water Commission, and member of the Land Trust of the Eastern Panhandle. | | | | WV Dept. of Natural Resources seeks landowners to improve wildlife habitat though forest management, conservation plans, and on-the-ground practices. As wildlife habitat declines across the state, DNR has developed a team of specialists in partnership with NRCS to assist private landowners with managing wildlife habitat for priority species such as cerulean warblers, golden-winged warblers, and multiple insect pollinator species. Read more here. Kevin Oxenrider is a WV-DNR Biologist out of Romney, WV. | | | | | What's Happening A recap of recent & upcoming meetings, webinars, and more. | | | Partner Spotlight Take a moment to learn about all the great people & organizations that are a part of our work. | | | | | | | Mark Schiavone is the Executive Director for the Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board and is a member of the Conservation Workgroup. A nonprofit county government organization, the BC-FPB exists to conserve and ensure the perpetuity of farmland in Berkeley County through permanent easements. They currently protect 6,289 acres across 66 easements. As Executive Director of the BC-FPB since 2015, Mark Schiavone works alongside landowners and conservation workgroups to encourage the preservation of Berkeley County’s natural resources and wildlife. | | | | Susan Whalton is a member of the Land Trust of the Eastern Panhandle and serves on the Education & Outreach Workgroup. Founded in 1994, the LTEP is a nonprofit land conservation group dedicated to preserving the historical and natural beauty of the region. Their vision is “a future for the Eastern Panhandle that includes abundant farmland, greenways, open space, safe drinking water, and the integrity of natural and cultural heritage.” As a member of the LTEP Board of Directors, Susan contributes to their outreach efforts, website content, and story-telling efforts, especially in writing stories about their conservation easements and the landowners who hold them. | | | | Daryl Hennessy is the Chairman of the Charles Town Utility Board and is currently serving in an interim capacity on the Steering Committee. The Charles Town Utility Board is entrusted with the administration of the city’s Waterworks and Sewerage System. Delivering clean drinking water to approximately 14,500 customers, CTUB is committed to their mission to "to provide reliable water and sewer services that protect public health and the environment with financial accountability, regional stewardship, and superior customer service." Daryl is also the City Manager for Charles Town. | | | | | | West Virginia Rivers Coalition 3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129 | Charleston, West Virginia 25304 304-637-7201 | wvrivers@wvrivers.org | | | | | | | | |