| | The Intake Your Source for Collaborative News April 2021 |
| | *UPDATED* Prioritization Map In January-February, the Conservation Workgroup went through a deliberative process to update the partnership's GIS Prioritization Model. Explore the updated model now! |
| | Thanks to all of the members of the Conservation Workgroup for their thoughtful development, review, and approval of the prioritization process: Mark Schiavone, Liz Wheeler, Martin Burke, Bonnie Stubblefield, Emily Warner, and Adam Webster. Over the next few months, Chesapeake Conservancy will be creating additional functionality for our map, including a one-click tool for generating custom, parcel-level reports. Stay tuned! |
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| Don't forget to join us for our upcoming full-partnership Gathering on Thursday, April 29th from 1:00-2:30. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 954 4888 1318 Passcode: 929133 We recommend using computer audio, or you can dial-in at 1-301-715-8592 |
| THANK YOU to everyone that responded to our recent survey! Make sure you tune into the meeting to learn if you are one of the five lucky respondents to receive free, home-baked cookies! Cadmus Group will facilitate some fun, interactive discussions around the survey results regarding the final draft Workgroup Strategies and Steering Committee Responsibilities. |
| | Around the Collaborative If you have exciting news, please let us know and we'll share with our partners in next month's edition. |
| A meeting was held recently by the Department of Highways to receive public input as it relates to the proposed alternative routes for WV Route 9 between Martinsburg and Berkeley Springs. The Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board determined that several of their easements are either directly in a proposed route or are adjacent to a proposed route. After discussion, a mutual promise was made between the BCFPB and the DOH to continue to share information about easements and proposed highway routes moving forward. Mark Schiavone is the Executive Director of the BCFPB. For more information about the proposed routes, click here. To view the meeting presentation, click here. |
| WV Rivers has participated in two recent events to share information about the Collaborative on the regional scale. On March 31, we participated in Chesapeake Conservancy's technical services provider network forum regarding the lessons learned through this partnership. On April 15th, we participated in the land conservation panel the US EPA Region 3's national Source Water Leadership Forum regarding the partnership's GIS Prioritization Model. Tanner Haid is the Eastern Panhandle Field Coordinator with WV Rivers Coalition, and serves as the host partner for the Collaborative. |
| The Eastern Panhandle Conservation District is hosting their annual Eastern Panhandle Watershed Group Gathering via Skype on Tuesday, June 8 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. There will be educational presentations on wetlands, flood mitigation, and more! RSVP to Kristen Bisom to receive a link to the event and the final agenda: kbisom@wvca.us. If you would like to share your organization’s accomplishments during the Watershed Highlights session, prepare one slide to accompany a three-minute update and send it to Tanner Haid: thaid@wvrivers.org. We hope to “see” you there! See Kirsten Bisom's full bio below. |
| Registration is open for a Virtual Event to Support Land Use Decision-Makers in the Potomac basin on May 7, 2021, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. This event features a webinar series designed to encourage sustainable land and water resources management in the Potomac basin by creating an opportunity for participants to share tools and techniques, including a demonstration of the Chesapeake Healthy Watershed Assessment. Registration is free, and space is limited. Erfaneh Sharifi is a Water Resources Scientist at the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin and can be contacted at esharifi@icprb.org with questions. |
| | What's Happening A recap of recent & upcoming meetings, webinars, and more. - March 17 – Steering Committee to review Workgroup strategies and develop Steering Committee responsibilities for achieving roles. Explore the meeting notes and jamboard ideas, as well as proposed next steps for fulfilling the "Educating Decision Makers" role.
- April 2 - NFWF Small Watershed Implementation Grant Planning Team meeting. Continued conversation on submitting a potential proposal for the partnership. Potomac Conservancy is serving as the lead applicant. Meeting notes here.
- April 29 at 1pm - full-partnership Gathering
| | Partner Spotlight Take a moment to learn about all the great people & organizations that are a part of our work. |
| | Georgia Jeppesen is the Treasurer for the Land Trust of the Eastern Panhandle and is the Steering Committee Liaison for the Education and Outreach Workgroup. The LTEP is a nonprofit land conservation group founded in 1994 that is dedicated to preserving the historic and natural beauty of the region. Their vision is “a future for the Eastern Panhandle that includes abundant farmland, greenways, open space, safe drinking water, and the integrity of natural and cultural heritage.” In addition to her work as Treasurer for the LTEP, Georgia also assists the Land Trust as a valued member of the Safe Water Conservation Collaborative, serving on both the Steering Committee and the Education and Outreach Workgroup. |
| Martin Burke is Chair of the Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission and is a member of the Conservation Workgroup. Formed in 1974, the JCHLC preserves numerous National Register and County landmarks as well as six historic districts. Their mission is to “preserve historic sites, structures, and rural landscapes in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County and to educate the public about the county’s heritage.” Martin works to aid the JCHLC in their efforts to protect land in the five Federally recognized Civil War battlefields in Jefferson County through conservation easements. Combined, these battlefields comprise approximately 16,000 acres and sit astride all the waterways that surround and crisscross the county. |
| Kristen Bisom is a Conservation Specialist for the West Virginia Conservation Agency and is a member of the Stewardship Workgroup. WVCA's mission is to “provide for and promote the protection and conservation of West Virginia's soil, land, water and related resources for the health, safety and general welfare of the state’s citizens”. The Agency offers programs and educational resources to promote better agricultural and environmental practices, and works alongside the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District. Kristen works with the 319 and Chesapeake Bay Programs to implement watershed improvement projects, such as tree plantings and stream restorations, in impaired and protected watersheds across the Eastern Panhandle. |
| Quick Fact A new study of drinking water contamination incidents conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency between 2010-2019 found that "over the 10-year study period 3,931 incidents were identified with the potential to impact a source of drinking water," including 107 incidents in West Virginia. |
| | West Virginia Rivers Coalition 3501 MacCorkle Ave SE #129 | Charleston, West Virginia 25304 304-637-7201 | wvrivers@wvrivers.org |
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